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Student apartments for rent in Barri de Sant Josep

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Most popular student apartments for rent in Barri de Sant Josep

RoomFrom 12 January

Comfortable room in Les Corts, Barcelona

RoomFrom 12 January

Cosy room in Les Corts, Barcelona

Not a fan of big city living? Head on over to Barri de Sant Josep!

Located in the small town of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, the neighborhood of Sant Josep has a bit of everything from trendy bars to gastropubs. Make friends with locals to find all the best joints.

This neighborhood is just a hop, skip and a jump away from Universitat de Barcelona Campus Bellvitge. You’ll have to take the metro to get there, but it won’t be a long commute. Lucky you!

Apartments here are mid-range, but keep a look out for a good deal. Plus, house sharing with other students will keep costs even lower. That means more cash to spend on dining and going out.

Stoked about finding a popular student apartment for rent in Barri de Sant Josep? Here’s our selection:

Information about our rentals in Barcelona

🏠 Nº of properties
2341 rooms for rent
💵 Minimum monthly price
starting from 200 €
✔️ Verified properties
1786 rooms
💰 Deposit not required
46 rooms
🎓 Ideal for students
1796 accommodations
💖 Ideal for couples
574 accommodations
☀️ With balcony/terrace
760 rooms
🛁 With private bathroom
223 rooms