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Student apartments for rent in Lichterfelde

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Most popular student apartments for rent in Lichterfelde

RoomFrom 14 January


RoomFrom 13 January


Upscale, classy, and picturesque – renting in Lichterfelde is the best decision you will make…

Lichterfelde is home to many of Berlin’s iconic attractions. You can easily get lost wandering through its museums and picture-perfect attractions, too. It’s a pretty tight-knit community, but a quick “hello” will warm them up fast.

It’s safe and serene, making it quite popular with well-to-do families and professionals. But this close to Freie Universität, there’s a significant student population here, too. You can find them swimming in the Wannsee or hanging out in one of the cozy pubs.

It’s a chance to live in a safe and tranquil area, surrounded by the city’s most unique historic monuments. Who can say no to that?

Ready to find great student apartments for rent in Lichterfelde? Here’s our selection:

Information about our rentals in Berlin

🏠 Nº of properties
1246 rooms for rent
💵 Minimum monthly price
starting from 50 €
✔️ Verified properties
542 rooms
💰 Deposit not required
566 rooms
🎓 Ideal for students
612 accommodations
💖 Ideal for couples
65 accommodations
☀️ With balcony/terrace
117 rooms
🧾 Bills included
553 rooms