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Christian Street rooms for rent

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Most popular rooms for rent near Christian Street

Want to live in a cool area that’s close to campus? Consider living on Christian Street...

It’s a quieter, residential street. And it runs right along the Rope Walk Gardens, so you get to enjoy a bit of green space close to home. It’s also not far from Barts the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, so you can easily walk there if you like.

Christian Street is located in the Whitechapel district, a diverse area with a thriving art scene and great international cuisine. Although you’ll be sharing with flatmates, the extra money you save can be used to explore the various galleries and museums in your neighbourhood.

Looking for popular rooms for rent on Christian Street? Here’s our selection:

Information about our rentals in London

🏠 Nº of properties
3442 rooms for rent
💵 Minimum monthly price
starting from £ 335
✔️ Verified properties
3033 rooms
💰 Deposit not required
150 rooms
🎓 Ideal for students
2727 accommodations
💖 Ideal for couples
805 accommodations
☀️ With balcony/terrace
276 rooms
🛁 With private bathroom
169 rooms