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Città Studi properties to rent

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Most popular properties to rent in Città Studi

Single room in apartment in Città Studi, Milan
RoomFrom 13 January

Single room in apartment in Città Studi, Milan

Città Studi is the “City of Studies”…

This neighborhood is a hotspot for academics. After all, Città Studi is home to Politecnico di Milano, the largest technical university in Milan. A huge student population gives Città Studi a unique, vibrant feel.

It’s common to find study groups in every café here. You’ll get to sample amazing local foods at affordable prices. An electric nightlife and exciting entertainment make this neighborhood pop to the top of the list for many students.

Città Studi sits right next to the city center. It also has a great public transportation network – you can get anywhere fast.

Places to visit: Discover the beauty of Chiesa di San Pio X. Explore the iconic architecture of Gio Ponti. Enjoy the beautiful botanical gardens at Orto Botanico Città Studi.

Things to do: Relax in Piazza Leonardo da Vinci. Enjoy a night out with your friends at Pub Serricola. Take a stroll and spot amazing street art by PAO.

Transportation: Metro line 2 will take you straight to the city center from Piola station.

Check out our properties for rent in Città Studi:

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