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Student apartments for rent near Calle Orense

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Most popular student apartments for rent near Calle Orense

What’s the best street for shopping in Madrid? Calle Orense, of course...

Calle Orense is filled with well-known brands such as Zara, H&M and Lacoste. Walk to institutions like ESDEN Business School or IE Law School in your trendy new pair of shoes.

Day or night, this street is filled with residents and shoppers alike. Gigantic corporate offices surround the street. You´ll never have to go far to find the best styles of the season either. Calle Orense is popular and offer a lot of conveniences

Excited to find a popular student apartment for rent on Calle Orense? Here's our selection:

Information about our rentals in Madrid

🏠 Nº of properties
4960 flats and apartments for rent
💵 Minimum monthly price
starting from 5 €
✔️ Verified properties
1067 homes
💰 Deposit not required
2692 rentals
🐶 Pets allowed
322 properties
🎓 Ideal for students
1123 accommodations
💖 Ideal for couples
1153 accommodations
☀️ With balcony/terrace
697 homes

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